After a complete electrical and mechanical refurbishment, a 50 year-old press at Meleghy Automotive is as good as new again. The 1,500-ton press at Meleghy Automotive wasn't so young anymore: The "old girl", as the machine is affectionately referred to by the...
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“Genial Social” Day of Action – Your work against poverty
With just one day of commitment a lot can be moved! For a social purpose students of grades 6 and 9 worked on the sites Bernsbach and Lößnitz of Meleghy Automotive. For a period of five hours the girls and boys worked on a variety of activities to earn their wages....
5 years Meleghy International – a story of success
5 years Meleghy International - a story of success It has been 5 years since the agreement on the acquisition of the Neef Group, Wilnsdorf, by the Meleghy & Cie. Automotive, Bergisch Gladbach, was signed. At that time, the new shareholders declared: "Our goal is...
“Genial Sozial” – Deine Arbeit gegen Armut
Bei Genial Sozial tauschen jährlich mittlerweile über 30.000 SchülerInnen die Schulbank gegen einen Job. Den erarbeiteten Lohn spenden die SchülerInnen und unterstützen damit soziale Projekte vor Ort in Sachsen und weltweit. Mit nur einem Tag Engagement kann viel...
SPANISCH! La industria de proveedores automotrices catalana está lista para el lanzamiento del nuevo SEAT Ibiza
Meleghy Automotive Barcelona es un proveedor automovilístico de la nueva plataforma MQB de SEAT Ibiza. El canal público de televisión TV3 informó sobre el lanzamiento del nuevo SEAT Ibiza. El nuevo vehículo es un producto muy importante para la idustria automotriz...
The Catalan automotive supplier industry ready for the launch of the new SEAT Ibiza
The Meleghy Automotive Barcelona is automotive supplier of the new compact platform MQB for SEAT Ibiza. The Catalan TV station TV3 reported about the market launch of the new SEAT Ibiza. The new car is very important for the Spanish automotive industry. 60% of the...
Future with us – Qualified specialists from within Meleghy Automotive
- dual re-education and qualification program for qualified specialists Gera is not known as a typical metal processing location. In addition, the economy speaks of the shortage of specialists in Germany. But all signs point towards growth for the automotive supplier...
Innosafes is expanding in the industrial area of Wiehl
The Innosafes, in which Meleghy International is part of as a joint venture, moves to the industrial area of Bomig in Wiehl. To date, the young company has been based in Gummersbach-Windhagen, but is already touching its growth limits due to the local conditions. The...
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