Deutsche Anlagen Leasing to build Reinsdorf plant for Meleghy Automotive

Nov 19, 2019 |

Following the symbolic ground-breaking ceremony in June, the construction of the new jointing plant for Meleghy Automotive at the Reinsdorf site is now in earnest. On Tuesday (19.11.2019), Deutsche Anlagen Leasing completed the purchase of the 57,000 square metre site in the Reinsdorf industrial estate on Gabelsbergerstraße. On this site, an office and factory building of around 22,000 square meters will be built according to the ideas of Meleghy Automotive.

Lease agreement with Deutsche Anlagen Leasing

Meleghy Automotive concluded a long-term full lease agreement with Deutsche Anlagen Leasing (DAL) for the new building to be erected and the plant site including the necessary infrastructure. With this leasing contract, Meleghy Automotive gradually grows into ownership.

Goldbeck starts construction this year

The Goldbeck company will start the necessary construction work in November 2019. The complete completion of the entire factory site, including the necessary ecological compensation measures, is planned for the beginning of 2021. Already in autumn 2020, the first factory areas for the production of the planned body assemblies as well as the associated facilities and required infrastructure should be ready. Priority will be given to the construction and commissioning of the new production facilities required for the components of the future-oriented e-mobility system.

In the final stage, the Meleghy Automotive Reinsdorf plant will provide jobs for around 300 employees from 2022 onwards. In contrast to previous Meleghy Automotive plants, the Reinsdorf plant will be used exclusively for joining body assemblies.


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